Fair Quinoa Vodka
ABV | Country of origin |
40% |
FAIR Vodka is made from Bolivian quinoa seeds. It's the result of research by French distillers and Bolivian farmers. Quinoa is a grain that's been cultivated by the Incas for over 5000 years. It grows in the Andes on volcanic soils at an altitude of over 300 metres. Once the quinoa arrives in Cognac, it's brewed by a micro-brewer. The 5.5% quinoa mash is then distilled in a single column still together with an organic and non-gmo corn alcohol.
TASTING NOTESOn the palate it is smooth as silk, with hints of brown butter and warm cashews, an incredible mouth-feel, balanced between green and fruit notes.
Squeeze a half-lime into a tumbler glass
Add 2oz of FAIR Vodka organic
1/2 oz fresh lime juice
Build up over ice cubes and top up with 3 oz of Ginger beer
Garnish with a lime wedge