CORTE VETUSTO - Taste of Mexico

“In the rugged central valleys of Oaxaca a story has been shared for centuries among the local Zapotec people. Cocijo, God of thunder, struck out with a bolt of lightning so severe that it transformed the landscape into a smouldering field filled with the sweet, smoky scent of the agave plant. For over 400 years the locals have been trying to recreate this mythical moment. Hand-harvesting the agave and slow-roasting it in earthen fire pits, naturally fermenting the bagaso in wooden vats and, finally, double-distilling it in small copper or clay stills… it’s all part of our master mezcalero’s deepest desire: to create a cut of mezcal so divine that it invokes the spirit of generations before him. He calls this sacred distillation of earth, fire and history el Corte Vetusto — the Ancient Cut."